Monday, September 24, 2012

DC Motor Video

Below is a video i found about DC motors that explained well how the brushed DC motor works.

One think I for some reason was confused with is the brushes. I wasnt aware polarity was changed as the rotor turned. It makes sense now...

Week 1

Getting back into class was pretty exciting for me after spending the summer learning about Anaerobic Digesters and working.

This week we dove back into electricity in a few different ways. I spent alot of time on the Truck Lightening system learn boards and was able to connect the lights in correct circuits to work. A few more things need to be connected to get it working fully which is something I will do in the following week.

I also spent some time creating a relay circuit with a bulb, 9V battery and test leads. Being able to create a circuit from scratch is something that seems somewhat basic but can really help in diagnosing or chasing down electrical problems. Trying not to get lost in the web of a wireing harness by getting back to the basics of a circuit will cut down on diagnosing time and frustration/confusion.

Class/Lab: 28
Work Hours: 13