Monday, February 18, 2013


This last week was spent on quite a few internal jobs that needed to be done. I worked a bit with the new trucks puttin on the last finishing touches with tool boxes etc. we also did quite a bit of yard clean up and did some burning.

I'm also taking a class in autocad and that is noteworthy this week as it is starting to get fairly difficult but teaching me alot. Once I finish this weeks project I will try and post a picture.

Hours: 40

Monday, February 11, 2013


This week was spent working with some smaller gauge steel than we are used to but it was steady work non the less. We built 14 awnings for a shop down in Seattle. It consisted of setting up a jig. Bending some steel sheeting, and screwing off! Non screwing off in a lazy way of course but rather than weld, these structures were screwed together.

They were prime and should be shipping out this week.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Almost complete

We continued on the trucks from last week and have all but a few little things left to put on the truck.
They look good with a heavier rack and boxes

Hours: 46 hours