Monday, June 4, 2012


Having been very busy the past 2 weeks i have neglected to blog everything i have done. In class I have bee working on alighnments and as of recently looking to the stearing gear. I also did a flow test on the freightliner which i will put pictures up for.

I have been able to tie in some hours at work this weekend building a trap shooting trailer for a customer. It consisted of lots of different things. Sheet metal, welding, electrical, ect... PRETTY SWEET! I learned something somewhat valuable in building this trailer. WE have two 6 volt batteries we are going to run the thing off of rather then a 12 volt. For some reason its better because having two 6 volts, the batteries recover faster, stay maintained, and hold a charge better? or so i was told from a guy at the battery store.


Class hours in 2 weeks: 62
Work hours: 8

1 comment:

  1. 2 batteries. I read it on the internet, it must be true, eh?


    Take a photo of one of the tags so we can read the numbers. I quit using 6V batteries for anything but 6V systems over 20 years ago...
