Monday, April 22, 2013

Spq13 Witman

This week I continued wrapping my mind around the electrical. I focused a bit on transistors and their function. I find the transistor to be the most interesting piece of an electrical circuit that I have come across so far. Basic function that the base current can control and amplify the current between the other terminals. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on one this week and playing around with it a bit more.

I also spent time this week In the shop fabricating a hand rail and fixing downspouts we had previously built! Man!! Though it was not our mistake,patients is tried when you have to build things twice. I've Learned a lot this week about your mindset going into a job or project. It can either make or break your entire project if you come into it pissed off and mad or the opposite.

Shop hours: 42
Running total: 126

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