Thursday, April 5, 2012

Building without a foundation, BAD IDEA!

2nd day of class was a lot more hands on, which I enjoyed. We were able to get our hands on the fluke meters today and use them starting with the absolute basics. Prior to this class i was working as a auto mechanic in Seattle and spend many hours diagnosing problems with a multimeter. The problem with that is all i ever did was read off Identifix (a site to help diagnose problems) and follow instructions on what leads to attach to what wires and what my reading should be. I had no clue what was actually happening when i read 12 volts or when i read 4 volts or when i read 0 volts.

In my last blog i asked the questions what would be a good way to get this stuff locked into my mind. My answer today, after spending time with it for multiple hours, is exactly that. SPEND TIME WITH IT! all the analogies and world pictures that explain volts, amps, ohms, and so on dont seem to stick. But after spending time plugging in the multimeter and challenging myself to think and test these boards, i feel i have a better grasp on it now then ive ever had before. I say that knowing i have plenty to still learn, practice, and understand.

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