Monday, April 9, 2012

Week 2: Learn and Re-Learn

So today in class we started on the 2nd set of 16 circuit boards which included the BLACK SPOT boards. These boards contained shorts to ground. Boards 1-16 i got the hang of but thrown in the mix with these new boards i was lost all over again.

As i said before learning by being repetitive and spending time testing, re-testing and re-learning the ins and outs of this current project really seems to ring true. Having an instructor show me how to do something and talk the class through a certain task only does so much for me. There comes a point where i need to get in and teach myself. And it does just stop there. I gotta continue to re-learn the things ive done the day before to really get this stuff to sink in.

Looks like its in the beginning stages of actually becoming permanent in my mind. Wish i had a few circuit boards at home i could mess around with.

1 comment:

  1. How about printing up the grid heater circuit for your pickup?

    That would be an interesting one for you to study and measure, plus it is very prevalent in the field...lots of stuff like that around. Remind me to show/tell the heater I have in the classroom.
