Monday, July 22, 2013


60 hours this week, 70 the week before! Things are busy and moving along. This last week was spent in the office for the most part and running a crew of 2 guys on the floor. I was able to complete another revision of shop drawings for the cornerstone building going up in Barkley village. We are fabricating the canopies and balconies for this new building.

This week I also learned more about project managing as I had a crew of 4 down in Seattle that I was in constant communication with as they installed a previously drawn project for the Mercedes Benz dealership. Keeping those guys stocked with all needed equipment proved to take up quite a bit of time in itself.  Also this week I was pretty much thrown into the middle of learning how the office runs purchase orders, keeps track of job cost, etc. needless to say I'm learning a ton in a short amount of time. Slightly overwhelmed but excited to settle in with all these new opportunities.

Below are some pictures of the job site in Seattle 

Hours 60

1 comment:

  1. I always figured it was better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed in my job.
